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(443) 309-1492

MABG Mission statement:
Generate revenue through direct, relationships and referrals. leveraging 'local' advertising, marketing, and social media. a Focus on exceeding ROI expectations, while building lasting partnerships.

interested in joining our Group of business leaders in cecil county, MD: Membership Application

Contact Us

Personal Information

Experience & Credentials

Standard & Expectations

Business References

Reference 1

Reference 2

New Application Fee: $150  

Annual Membership: $575  

2 Payments - $600 (Initial $300 Due upon Application) 

2nd Payment Due 30 Days  

3 Payments- $630 (Initial $210 Due upon Application)  

2nd Payment Due 30 Days  

3rd Payment Due 60 Days


A MABG Member is allowed three absences within a continuous six-month period. If a Member cannot attend, they may send a substitute; this will not count as an absence.

Members are expected to be engaged in the MABG Chapter by bringing qualified referrals and/or visitors.

Visitors may attend MABG Chapter meetings up to two times.

Leaves of absence are possible for certain extenuating circumstances (e.g., extended medical issue that prevents member from working) at the discretion of the Membership Committee.

Members who wish to change their MABG classification must submit a new membership application for approval.

Policies are subject to change. All proposed policy changes need to be reviewed first by the International Board of Advisors.

Absences and Tardiness

Absences and tardiness mean less business for Members; therefore, the Membership Committee may give warnings to Members who are consistently late or leave early. If the problem continues, the Member's classification may be subject to being re-opened upon renewal.

Substitute Program

Potential substitutes include customers, friends, family, MABG Members from other chapters and/or employees.

The primary purpose for a substitute is to represent a MABG Member. MABG recommends minimal use of a substitute. However, a Member may use substitutes up to three times in a six-month period.

Members should alert the Chapter of a substitute so that the Visitor Host can be there to greet him/her.

At the discretion of Chapter Leadership, if the substitute's classification is not filled then substitutes may be permitted to present their business during the visitor meeting section.

Apply now and become a part of our thriving business community in Cecil County. Call or text us at (443) 309-1492 for any inquiries.

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